All Projects List

Our Work All Projects Mather and Daly Architects has designed and overseen the construction of numerous structures in Harrisonburg, throughout Virginia, and West Virginia. Here is a list of our projects.   Mather and Daly Architects Projects List    ...
Masterplanning/Feasibility Studies

Masterplanning/Feasibility Studies

Masterplanning & Feasibility Studies Masterplanning & Feasibility Studies Mather Architects has completed numerous Feasibility Studies and Masterplans.  Each unique in its approach and design to facilitate the specific needs of the project at hand.  Our...
Facilities Assessment for SVEC

Facilities Assessment for SVEC

Feasibility Study Facilities Assessment and System Master Plan for the Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative Feasibility Study Mather and Daly Architects studied all the facilities of the Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative (SVEC) across an eight County area (in...